Pipl is one of the better people search engines to find a person and lookup their social network profiles by full name, username, email or phone number.
Pipl search results include contact information, background information, social media profiles, public records and web pages related to a person's name or other personal identifier.
Their advanced people search options on the left side of the results page allow you to refine your search to help you more accurately locate the person you are looking for.
Pipl searches the "deep web" using a proprietary identity resolution algorithm that creates profiles based on personal identifiers to help users find a person they are trying to locate.
Records sources used by Pipl include: online profiles, criminal records, news articles, address history, patent records, resumes, professional licenses, phone records etc.
Pipl also offers an API for their people data that can be used in applications to get a person's social media, contact and professional information. You can search Pipl's API by email address, phone number, username, full name or street address.
For additional Pipl searches and information services, users can visit their site at Pipl.com. As of January 2019, the Pipl database had records on almost 3.3 billion people worldwide.
Just like most people finder sites, Pipl.com offers a way for you to opt out of the site's search results. You can find out how to remove your information from Pipl's search engine on their removal from search results page.